FlaskBlast: The Dark Maze is a game where you play as a Witch who got traped in a Maze by the Dark Lord after losing a battle. However, she managed to stole a item from de Dark Lord before her defeat, the PENLIGHT Light Potion recipe, a curios potion that produces a magical light able to repel some of the Dark Lord powers. Now you need to find a way out this place, to face the Dark Lord once more. With the help of Alchemy at your side,  explore the Dark Maze to find a way out, or die trying. 

Tip: Pay attention to what you make


https://docs.google.com/document/d/13n4-DYv5zn80Kt1CjhPOJR53ID4-_76fyj9Lo1fhMzg/... full link just in case...


  • W,S,A,D - Movement
  • Right Click - Use Potion of active hotbar slot / open potion options on inventory slot
  • Left Click - Use stored Light Potion
  • Shift - Sprint
  • Esc - Open Inventory
  • E - Interact (Current Bugged)
  • Q - Quick Craft on active hotbar slot
  • Num1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, Scroll Up, Scroll Down  - change active hotbar slot
  • Tab - Swap active inventory row


  • Pressing the interact key will always trigger the win screen. The reason is that the condition to the win screen (press interact when nearby the exit) was not verified on the action press.

Assets used:

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